Curves is a proven programme of strength training, cardio and stretching.
You work every major muscle group and burn up to 500 calories in just 30 minutes.
A Curves coach is always there to motivate and train you at every workout.
​Curves is a community of women who work hard together and support each other.
Curves helps women of all shapes, ages and fitness levels.​
Curves will only take 30 minutes from your day, for a lifetime of well-being.

One-on-One Coaching
Never feel lost at the gym again. Your Curves Coach will always be there to help you with your form and ensure you get the best from your Curves workout.
30-Minute Fitness Circuit
We understand how hectic life can be. Making time for your health and fitness by fitting in regular gym workouts can be tough – but with the Curves circuit, 30 minutes is all you need.
Equipment designed for Women
The Curves workouts for women are convenient and efficient, combining strength training and cardio. Our variety of hydraulic resistance gym machines are ideal for women of any fitness level to achieve results.
The Curves workout combines Strength Training with cardio activity and stretching to create lean muscle, raise your metabolism, burn fat and tone your body. You’ll be exercising in a comfortable environment where women of all ages and fitness levels feel welcome.
At Curves you can just drop in anytime during our club opening hours, there will always be a circuit coach to train and motivate you and make sure you reach your fitness goals in no time. We have a variety of membership options available and promotional offers throughout the year, contact us to get more information on the membership that will fit your specific needs. During your consultation you will receive a tour of the club and an equipment demonstration with a Curves coach who will answer all of your questions. We are looking forward to welcoming you in our club!